July 19, 2006


My apologies to all - I forgot to update everyone on my health. Since my sickness last week, I've gotten much better. Thankfully it was *not* malaria, which is uncommon, but one is certainly exposed to it in parts of the Terai region, where I was for a week.

The whole ordeal lasted about 4 days - nothing severe. Just annoying, especially on the bus ride home. The second day was the only day I was completely bed-ridden. I felt weak and couldn't get anything done throughout the day. Day 3 and 4 were better and I did some light adventuring (ha, if there ever is such a thing!).

Now, I'm in great shape. Envious of my friends back in California enjoying the beautiful summer climbing peaks in the Sierra, I've committed myself here to stay in shape throughout the summer. I signed up for membership at the local gym and have been conditioning quite a bit (mostly running, swimming, some weights), so that I can get back to the Sierra in the Fall and not be breathing hard at 14,000 feet. Plus, I secretly hope to steal in a few days trekking in Solu-Khumbu next month.

Anyway, adieu for now, and take care friends!

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